Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Scout Mom

So my little monkeys are Cub scouts and Daisy girl scouts. This is D's second year and my first year as a leader. And its N's first year and also mine. I am leading both, yes I said both scout groups! And I love it! The cub scouts is actually really easy because we have a great pack that pretty much does everything for us but the den meetings. And the girl scouts is fun but alot more work. I have to do everything. The only good thing is that for girl scouts, I get to pick all dates, which I can work around the cub scout schdule so that I never have to be in two places at once. This also makes my pinterest addiction worth it! lol I love pinterest and I get so many wonderful ideas from this website! I highly recommend this site to anyone who is a leader or who helps a leader. Here's to a great year of scouts!